Neptune operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with three shifts daily. Our operations primarily involve unloading trains and loading ships, which we’ve been doing safely and responsibly since 1968.
The commodities we handle arrive at our terminal via CN Rail, with trains travelling to and from our terminal on the North Shore across the Second Narrows rail bridge.
Once on our site, trains are unloaded either directly to waiting vessels, or to storage. Potash is stored in one of two large covered sheds, as it is water soluble and can’t be exposed to precipitation. Coal is stored in an open stockpile and sprayed with water to coat the pile and suppress dust. For more information on how we manage dust, air and water quality, visit our environmental page.
Neptune has three berths at which we can load ships: berth 1 is used exclusively for steelmaking coal loading, and berths 2 and 3 are used for potash.