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Supporting Early Childhood Education


Capilano University (CapU) has been providing early childhood education for the North Shore community for many decades, and its early childhood education program is at the forefront of innovation among the university’s academic peers. A small core of researchers and professionals have been moving the needle on early childhood education programming for several decades, and now, thanks in part to a donation from Neptune to CapU’s significant capital campaign, a new early childhood education centre will not only offer more spaces for childcare, but also a unique place where families, educators and community can come together.

“CapU offers the only degree program in early childhood education in Western Canada,” says Brad Martin, dean of Education, Health and Human Development at Capilano University. “The integration of the academic program with the childcare centre will offer exceptional opportunities for early learners and their families.” Brad also points to the willingness of community members to support the program right from its inception. “I am certain that the immediate investment from local businesses, like Neptune, has accelerated the process immensely.”

As a local employer, Neptune recognizes the need for quality, reliable childcare in order for parents to work and study. We want to support people to live and work in a community where those services are accessible.
