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Community Update

Lynn Valley Lions: Community. Service. Commitment.

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For the past 50 years, the Lynn Valley Lions Club has provided invaluable services to the North Shore community and beyond. Neptune is proud to be a long-term supporter of the Lions and the incredible work they do, including Lynn Valley Days, school programs, community gardens, flood relief (in 2021) and the Christmas Tree Market. Neptune’s funds to the Lions are undirected, which means the organization can determine where and how to invest in the community, depending on need.

“Neptune’s contribution allows us fund planned needs, but also to be nimble and responsive to arising issues,” says Eric Miura, Lynn Valley Lions Club President. “Unfettered financial support means that we have assets like tents, BBQs and a vehicle, serviced and ready to go.” This vibrant, busy organization is entirely volunteer run and relies on sponsorship and donations from Neptune, as well as other community partners. A year-round service club, the Lions makes the most of its resources and the power of its volunteer network. Their ability to respond when needed is well-known. Notably they were able to mobilize quickly just over a year ago, when the tragic attack occurred in Lynn Valley Centre, and organize a candlelight drive-thru vigil to support the impacted community.
