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Environmental Stewardship

Environmental stewardship is a core value of Neptune and we recognize that environmental excellence is integral to our long-term business success. To support this Core Value, Neptune has adopted a philosophy of continuous improvement of environmental performance.

All members of our senior management team are responsible for environmental management and sign our Environmental Policy.

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Reducing Our Impacts

Neptune Terminals is committed to protecting the environment and minimizing the impact of our operations on the community. We employ the latest technology and best practices throughout our site to reduce emissions, minimize noise and light impacts on the community and balance water conservation with dust mitigation.

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Environmental Systems for Products

We use several environmental systems to ensure that our products stay on our terminal.

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Air Quality Reports

We constantly monitor the air quality surrounding the terminals to because we care about our community.

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Green Marine

Green Marine is a voluntary environmental program for the North American marine industry including ports, terminals and shipping lines that requires participants to go beyond regulatory compliance and implement a process of continuous environmental improvement. Neptune has been a member of this program since 2012, the first West Coast Canadian terminal to be certified.

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Climate Smart

In keeping our pledge to continually measure and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, Neptune is a member of Climate Smart™ and a Climate Smart™ certified company.

Environmental Management System (EMS)

Neptune's EMS addresses environmental management of all of our activities including the receiving, storage, loading, and management of bulk solid materials at 1001 Low Level Road in North Vancouver, BC, by all persons doing work under the control of Neptune. The scope of the EMS considers the impacts of and to interested parties.

This EMS also addresses all business conducted from the head office at #100-340 Brooksbank Avenue, North Vancouver, and from the warehouse at 525 N. Skeena Street, Vancouver, BC.

View our full EMS Documentation