Construction Update

Notice of Shiploader Delivery - Monday, October 12

Map 1

Neptune Terminals has received approval from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority to conduct work activities outside of our normal operations on Monday, October 12th, 2020. This variance is specific only to activities related to the offloading of the new shiploader for the West Quadrant Shiploader Amendment (Permit 12-066-01) from the Jumbo Kinetic vessel onto the new pivot and quadrant beam located at Berth 1.

What to Expect:

The offloading activities will utilize cranes setup on pads at Berth 1 to lift the equipment from the vessel and place it onto laydown areas at the berth. This process is not expected to produce elevated construction noise levels that will impact the neighbouring community. Directional LED lights used for construction will be directed toward work areas to minimize the impact on neighbours.

The offloading of the shiploader will take place over the course of a week beginning October 10th.


Should there be updates to the activity or schedule for these projects over their duration, they will be posted on our website and emailed to our e-distribution list which you can subscribe to on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns about construction activities or other operations at Neptune or wish to be added to our email list, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call 604-983-7935.

For the most up to date information about these projects and others at our terminal, click here.
