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Community Update

Supporting Seniors Across the North Shore

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Neptune has long prioritized investment in the local community, including a focus on youth and seniors. This year, we have once again provided funding for two important local groups supporting North Shore seniors: Parkgate Community Services Society (Parkgate Society) and North Shore Community Resources.

Parkgate Society has recently celebrated another successful Seniors Week with special social events as well as free offerings of some of their most popular programs, like line dancing. There was an ice cream social, classes on balance and mobility, and mindfulness journaling. Parkgate Society is also well-known for its Wednesday community meals. Seniors can enjoy a Michelin-like meal prepared by Chef Wafaa at minimal cost, making for a delicious meal at the same time as they enjoy some all-important social engagement. The Parkgate Society bus is also in service for assisted shopping trips to local malls, and other fun outings like cherry blossom viewing and rides to the Deep Cove Theatre. With more than 200 daily users, and over 70 volunteers supporting the seniors’ programs and services, there is no sign anyone is slowing down! North Shore Community Resources offers many programs to assist and empower seniors to age well. The Better at Home program supports over 800 individual seniors, providing non-medical services such as light home repairs, groceries, gardening and transportation to medical appointments. The Seniors One Stop Navigation Center supports seniors, caregivers and health professionals with information, resources and advocacy on topics that matter to seniors. The Caregiver Support program offers a full range of groups and supports to assist in the journey of caregiving and the demands of the role.

A unique program that both Parkgate Society and North Shore Community Resources offer is the Social Prescribing Program led by a Community Connector. The Community Connectors support seniors on a personalized journey to navigate some of the more complex aspects of senior living. The goal is to provide client-focused support to seniors in need whether it be emotional, financial, recreational and or social. This program receives referrals from the medical community, family members, as well as self-referrals.

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