Construction Update

Construction Update - Dust Supression Updates July 2020

180709 Construction Notice locationsketch

Work continues on Neptune’s construction of permitted upgrades to the dust suppression system on its steelmaking coal stockpile.

This project is part of our ongoing effort to continuously improve our environmental management and minimize impacts of our operations on the neighbouring community. It involves replacing the existing wooden spray poles with new steel spray poles and oscillating yard sprays in strategic locations. The new system will optimize water coverage of the steelmaking coal and further enhance our ability to prevent dust from leaving our site, particularly during high wind events. It will be fully automated to optimize water usage.

The project has been underway since October 2018 and is being constructed in three phases.

Effective June 2020, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority has issued a minor permit amendment to Neptune, giving us an extension until November 30, 2020 to complete this approved project.

Activities that remain to be complete on the project include:

  • installation of electrical on poles
  • completion of water connection to underground lines
  • installation of yard sprays on poles
  • pressure testing
  • commissioning


  • All work will be done between the hours of 7:00am and 8:00pm, Monday to Saturday. No work will be carried out on statutory holidays.
  • Noise will be continuously monitored, and we are committed to managing construction within noise levels allowed by City of North Vancouver bylaws.
  • There will be temporary construction lighting directed away from residential areas.
  • Some mobile cranes will be used, which are not anticipated to have any visual impact on the community.
  • Local traffic is not anticipated to increase during construction.


To be added to the email distribution list for ongoing construction notices, please email us at: If you have any questions or concerns about construction activities or other operations at Neptune, please do not hesitate to contact us at the email above or call 604-983-7935.

For questions related to the approval of these works, please contact the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s Community feedback line at 604-665-9004 or
