Construction Update

Construction Update - February 2021

Construction Update Feb 2021

Driving along Low Level Road or Main Street (near Brooksbank Avenue) looks a little different these days. That’s in part due to a two-year construction project at Neptune that will soon be completed.

One of the things that’s most visible from the road is our new tandem railcar dumper, which is used to unload trains of Canadian steelmaking coal. This equipment helps us do this much more quickly because it can unload two railcars at once. It connects to the new conveyors, which transport the product to either our stockpile or directly to a vessel waiting to be loaded for export. The new dumper is fully enclosed and mitigates dust, noise and light, protecting our employees, community and local environment. You can also see our new wet scrubber, which filters air before it is released into the dumper or the atmosphere, ensuring we always meet or exceed air quality standards set by Metro Vancouver.

This equipment is part of our upgraded steelmaking coal handling system, which will be operational in 2021.
