Construction Update

Construction Update - March 2021

Neptune Construction Notice Map 2020 09 14

Neptune Terminals has received approval from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority for an extension to our current 24 hours a day, 7 days a week construction (excluding statutory holidays) for the projects noted below. This extension is for a further five months, ending August 31st, 2021.

These extended hours will enable us to complete the remaining construction works related to these projects. Work will be limited to the coal dumper building, the transfer conveyors to yard belt and the replacement shiploader (landside only) as shown on the photo.

  1. Coal Capacity Project and Environmental Review (Permit 12-066)
    Improvements to Neptune’s steelmaking coal handling operations including a new train dumper building and new conveyors.
  2. West Quadrant Shiploader Amendment (Permit 12-066-01)
    Installation of a new, more modern shiploader as part of Neptune’s steelmaking coal handling system.

This schedule also help us maintain safe work conditions for our employees and contractors, specifically preventing worker fatigue through a seven-day work week and shift rotations.

For more information on the Neptune Terminals Coal Capacity Project please visit

Pile driving for these projects was complete in October 2020. No additional use of vibratory or hammer pile driving equipment is anticipated within the requested extension period.

The following low noise impact activities are anticipated for upcoming construction works:

  • Craning and lifting
  • Diving and underwater work
  • Servicing construction equipment
  • Testing and inspecting materials
  • Moving materials on site (gravel, mats etc.)
  • Laying pipes
  • Material deliveries/removal
  • Erecting scaffolding
  • Rebar work
  • Pouring concrete
  • Erecting steel
  • Excavation

To mitigate potential community impacts:

  • Noise will be continuously monitored and logged, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the duration of the project. Noise monitors around the terminal help us ensure noise levels stay within prescribed City of North Vancouver (CNV) bylaws during daytime construction and within required lower limits during nighttime activities. Neptune’s Director of Engineering and Environment will be notified of any noise exceedances in order to advise the affected community.
  • Where possible, the dominant sound path will be blocked between the source and residences.
  • Equipment will be properly maintained and fitted with exhaust and muffler systems.
  • Engines will be turned off when not in use or reduced to idle.
  • Directional LED lights used for construction will be pointed toward work areas to minimize the impact on neighbours.
  • Construction activities on the evening shift (8 pm to 7 am) are restricted to those that are anticipated to have low impacts to the surrounding community (see list of
    activities above).
  • In the case of complaints, we will investigate to identify the source and confirm whether bylaws were exceeded. Additional mitigation measures will be applied
    when required.