Community Update

Respite and Care for North Shore Seniors

Unnamed 8

The population of Canadian seniors is increasing. In the City of North Vancouver, seniors comprise 17.5% of the population, while in the District of West Vancouver, they make up more than a quarter at 28.5%. As the proportion of seniors grows, so does the number of individuals diagnosed with dementia—putting additional strain on the community, health-care system, and support networks.

By age 65, one in 16 people are diagnosed with dementia. By age 85, that increases to 25% of the population.

The North Shore Family Respite Centre is a new development through Care BC in partnership with Catalyst Community Developments Society, the City of North Vancouver, and Vancouver Coastal Health. It will enable caregivers of seniors, diagnosed primarily with cognitive decline (dementia) and/or physical limitations, to get the periods of rest they require to continue caring for their loved ones at home.

Neptune views seniors’ care as the next societal challenge and an issue that will increasingly affect employees and their employers. “Neptune has pledged $100,000 over four years to support the final touches on the facility and the development of programs,” says Dr. Inge Schamborzki, Chief Development Officer, Care BC Foundation.

“By combining innovative guest-focused design with proven therapeutic programs, this facility will be the first of its kind on the North Shore to house an integrated Adult Day Program and Overnight Respite.”
