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Neptune Hires New Environmental Manager


Neptune welcomed Nora Romkema in October to the new position of Environmental Manager. Nora joins the Health, Safety & Environment team that manages the company’s environmental systems, ensuring we meet or exceed the standards set by our regulators and community. More important, she says, is building a roadmap to further enhance Neptune’s environmental standards and continue the company’s leadership on the waterfront in terms of environmental excellence.

“Neptune’s environmental performance was already strong,” Nora says. “But there is always room to do even better. We’re going to continue to better our environmental management and stand out amongst our peers for environmental stewardship.”

Prior to the role at Neptune, Nora worked as a consultant throughout Western Canada in sectors from oil and gas to residential construction. She also supported a major capital project recently completed at Neptune so is familiar with the business and the people. Born and raised in North Vancouver she’s delighted to have come full circle.

“Neptune stands out as an employer, and a company, in our community,” she says. “They give back and support environmental initiatives of importance to the community and maintain and open, respectful dialogue as well.”
